Friday, June 8, 2007

Let's Go Rent the RV

RETROPOST: The plan for our first morning in France was to get up at 9:00AM, so that we could get to Avis caraway before Noon. They close from Noon till Two for lunch. We were just beginning to learn that everything in France is closed from Noon-2 (and sometimes 3). Anyway, Husband set his cell phone and I set my watch alarm for 9AM (=3AM EST), so that we would have plenty of time to reach Bretigny before Avis closed. At Noon we were awoken by the Anne Frank sirens.
Noon was also check out time for our hotel. We jumped out of bed and checked out. By the time we got ready, checked out and took the train it was 2 o'clock when we reached Avis. We rented the RV from Martine with no problems and were on our way by three. We stopped at an Aire for Jambon Baguettes and headed off to Orleans for supplies. Upon planning the shopping trip, I reasoned that the Carrefour in Orleans would be better supplied than stores in smaller towns along the highway. It never occurred to me that I might be selecting an intercity grocery store located in a shopping mall, where the only available parking was a parking garage with limited height clearance.
After driving in circles for 20 minutes, husband found us a parking spot and paralleled parked our RV. This spot was several blocks from the mall. After completing our essentials shopping we were dismayed to discover that the designers of this mall had carefully laid out the mall and adjoining parking parking garage so that shopping carts could not be removed from the premises. We were then faced with the aspect of carrying a shopping cart worth of groceries several blocks or attempting to push our cart through the parking garage barrier gate. The problem was that the only way to exit the mall was down staircases or the elevator to the parking garage. Then we spotted it, the wheelchair lift. Husband pushed the cart unto the lift while I operated the buttons. (We had to forfeit our deposit on the cart) We had finally made it to the city street with our shopping cart. Now do we push the cart down the sidewalk for five blocks or do we pull the RV up to the sidewalk blocking of the utility access to the mall? We chose the latter.
I waited with the cart, while Husband retrieved the Camper. He parked across the access drive, while we quickly unloaded the cart into the RV. It was uncomfortable, but successful!
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