Friday, June 30, 2006

We prepare for the 4th

Today we held our annual pilgramage to Shelton's Fireworks of Fairplay, SC. We put the dogs in doggie daycare and headed Northwest. After crossing Lake Hartwell, it rose above the horizon as an oasis of pyrotechnics. A building so vivid and immense, with its legions of billboards exclaiming its superlatives, that none could escape its call.

As we entered this mecca, we were greeted with choices to great to narrow. We were forced to spend more than any reasonable person should on one minor US Holiday. We reasoned that it was our patriotic duty to explode as many styles and themes of fireworks as possible. But do you announce your love for country best with "Mad Hornet Crossing","Gangster Blast", or "IRS Shakedown" It was not for us to decide. We bought them all.

Famished from our efforts of supporting our motherland, we sought out ZEB's BBQ in Danielsville, GA. That story will be told in the next post. Meanwhile hope you enjoy the pics.
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